Dragonball Online Chat Bubble


God, it's about time updated. Bad me! Bad! Speaking of me, I made my self sim. :D
I only paid attention to everyday. And I toned down my body abit. If you saw the real me I'd be fatter. But just a bit! Not much of a change.

So, uh, formal -hides in shame because her Sim isn't worthy to this dress- But I don't wear those kind of dresses.. O.o

Sleepwear? Wait, I changed it. It looks a hell lot of different now. I couldn't find pajamas, you know. I don't pre-download everything.

Athletic. BOO. I don't go exercising, though. I don't exercise enough to know.

Face. It does show that I'm Asian, right? I captured the eyes very very very very well. :D Erm, nose and lips, no. Ears, I can't even see XD but I have purple earrings, I love purple :P

This is Destiny, my other sim, but my game crashed and I lost her D": I like her eyes. Despite my affection for heer and calling her the most beautiful sim I have created, she is pretty generic and adapted to my style and I can recreate her. 3 cheers for unoriginality!

So, all my pictures are the exact same of her.. Seriously 7, 6, 9, 8, 5, etc..? And she is erm creeping me out right now.. must be the eyes :P ALL THE FRICKING SAME PICTURE! AAAAA!

I will upload my Selfsim now. >.>

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