Dragonball Online Chat Bubble


Soo, I was reading FuryRed's blog and I saw this post with a picture of a monstrosity:
As if you haven't noticed already, the hair in the picture is.. very questionable.
Call in the FBI, we're getting clues on someone who's making more questionable hairs than Peggy!
I was never hoping for that day to come, but it did.
Consider 6/8/10 D-day. 



Just realised my blog is in Chinese so much it can be translated a fair lot. Please go here if you don't want the squares, go here if you don't want to download it (and if you already have it, 我爱你。。不,我在开玩笑。)

Thanks so much, lol.


Stories: Chinese

I changed my layout, added awesum and truly worthy sites, and added my copyright, because Queen Awesome, afterall, is Queen Awesome. It may come of as a little cluttered to some (that's exactly what I thought when I looked at it) but pah I'll get used to it.
Today is a very bad day for me! (Details tomorrow, juicy juicy, or you can translate the Chinese, but trust me, Google is unreliable)

@Mantai: 今天是一个很坏的天!他们要求我们跑步。跑步!我很胖的,我跑得很慢,好像乌龟。但是,我要跑上楼,下楼,因为要拿一个礼物。(个 吗?)

坏人!我跑上跑下, 只给我那么小的礼物?!(我不知道这件事是真的,或是假的, 但是如果是真的,他们该死!)

P.S. I know this will sound whiny and ranty but please do not take it seriously.

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