Dragonball Online Chat Bubble


So you know another game by EA: Dragon Age Origins? I dint update my EADM, soo they showed me this advertisement of a new gaem. It said somefin like "Questionable Moral Choices". And I was like..
you see, after that, I see it every day I open the Launcher. Well of course I had to do some research, you know, just so that I can see what are these "Moral Choices" (no pervertism.. really..) so I saw
Morrigan proposes that the player join her in a sexual ritual which would result in her conceiving a child that would also carry the Taint.
 Oghren, a dwarven brute whose love of alcohol is only matched by his love of combat and sex
Seriously.. also for those who arent against this sort of things, i send my sincere love to you. you have just gotten a game recommendation. xd

Even MOAR Picspam. Oh My Fizzlesticks.

<3, welllll, as you guyes can see, I've changed the layout a little. i hope you liek? :D
Simis cheated on Jocasta. :( Well tryed too, but he failed ultimately. That scoundrel. Jocasta saw it, yanno. She had a sad. Sooo, the stupidly oblivious Shaeri clapped happily when she sat in the middle, scheming little-

They all engaged in a talking. Othar welcome wagons had camed over, you knoe. :D Ask me whai there's six welcome wagons and I'd happily tell you. :)
Kitty: Haz you heard? Jocasta has been cheated on. :(
 Shaeri: I've heard you like eating hot dogs. 
Moonlight: Hmmms.

Buster: You idiot, how can you even DEEM asking me to give you money? You spoiled brat..
Sunshine: SOMEONE's looking for Grim.
Sadly I haz to end this short short short short short update.... I have a picture shortage.
Next update: The Fabulous Four meets Kandii and Xandra!

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