Dragonball Online Chat Bubble

Hundredth Post!

That's one milestone! I feel awesome and sort of delirious, so I'll be playing Sims. It's REALLY LAGGY AS FUCK, so please, please, take some pity on me. I can't fully appreciate the Late Night features like this, and I'll be searching like hell for a solution. So please, please, take some pity on me, give me a hug or two.

Also, for Spirited Away, No-Face is such a poor thing! The people of Xiao Qian's village only want the money he can magically produce, and he likes Xiao Qian sooo much, apparently, but she doesn't like him back, only respects him as a friend. He tries to give her all of the money he can magically produce, but she won't stand for that. She doesn't want his money, which is good for us, bad for him, 'cause he wants her to take it. It's just so sad! I'm watching the Chinese version, mind you.
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