That being said, I'm particularly annoyed. The thing is, I'm very hot-tempered, and I flare up a lot. I have two sides, sarcastic|nice. MS3B isn't really pissing me off, though. It's just that flies have been fucking invading my house for the past few days, and I'm generally scared of insects. So, picture this: flies zooming around you as you furiously type on your computer, landing on your stuff, and basically scaring you. Dx
There are things I can look forward to: like, me drumming it into my friend of three years' head (she, for some reason, doesn't know who I am. Couldn't she have just deleted me in those two years I added her on Facebook?) that I am actually her friend, and the holidays. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 amusing answers:
LOL calm down girl, you sound like you're gonna have a stroke XD
Sadly, the flies are still here. GAWD D:<
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