Dragonball Online Chat Bubble


Please go to Shabbyblogs. It is such an awesome site : The divider and background are made by it AND NOT ME (and will never be) because I HAVE NO ARTISTIC TALENT WHATSOEVER! So if you want the background and the divider please download it at shabbyblogs! I have deleted all posts about my PREVIOUS signature (That I made myself)!

Clear? No copyright infringement for me. 
^ Not mine.



 National Day just commenced yesterday, and it was quite nicilicious, and although I think the performers put a lot of hard work into it, it would be preferable if they didn't mime. Happy National Day!

Also: No signatures anymore. And I officially LOVE Shabbyblogs! A giant muah from Queen Awesome to you!

@Mantai: 因为我给你那个L4D link, 你爱我,对吗?咯。。。

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