Dragonball Online Chat Bubble

argh + ranty rant rant

My class is really messed up. Peoples are writing threats on our whiteboards, threatening to steal everything. It's these people who mess up my life. My friend and I's markers are all stolen - what the hell is this about?! The theft/s even wrote a threat on a table framing three people - and not long ago my friend's chocolates were stolen - what the FUCK is this about?!


2 amusing answers:

Shyne said...

Young people have issues. You will find that as you get older. Some people never grow out of them (MS3Blog *cough cough*) lol

Little Miss Epic said...

LMAO. They definitely have issues. Just on Friday they left a message on the board: "I will get you. You have no idea. I still steal things. Ha ha ha!"

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