awesomesauce found it on a link in FuryRed's blog. It's almost like the best story ever! If you ever read this, you are damn talented! :)) Please continue to write more stories, 加油!
The 4 Musketeers Chapter 1: Brush Thy Woes Away, Oh Yeah!
It was a normal family-bonding time for the Fab Four in their new house. They had gotten a new television. It wasn't cheap nor expensive, it was a little in between. They were sitting on the uncomfortable couch which had a HORRIBLE texture *ahem*. Here, Kitty tells her cousin, Shaeri, some scathing insults about the new television.
"Ugly! We should get a new top-of-the-line one," Kitty complains.
"Yes, I just want to box it," Shaeri agrees snobbishly.
Upon hearing the fuss, the oldest of the lot, Sunshine, says, "At least we've got a TV. Now shush!" Having said that, she places her index finger on her lip. It was just a polite way to say, "Shut the fork up, you brats, before I strangle your puny little necks."
Kitty nodded. She was scared of Sunshine. "Save the trees without our mouth gas," she encouraged Shaeri and Moonlight. Shaeri hung open her mouth, not knowing how to respond to Kitty's.. you know.
The trio exchanged glances and quickly swapped seats. Shaeri put her hand on her chin, glancing at the television. "Is Shaeri thinking?" Kitty asked. "Um, well, I guess she is," Moonlight replied to Kitty. "I thought she never thinks." Shaeri muttered under her breath a very rude and obscene word that no one should ever say.

The four heard a taxi beeping outside their house. Sunshine quickly ran outside where the new neighbours greeted her. The corners of her mouth stretched to her ears when she saw them. "Hello! Hello!" she greeted, hoping to show hospitality.
Meanwhile, the two were having a conversation while Kitty was watching TV. "I'd like to be a journalist," Shaeri said. "Your responsibilities are as big as---thiiis." "The size of a medium Easter Bunny?" Moonlight asked, tilting her head to the side.
Moonlight had run in. The three guests trailed slowly behind. "Let me introduce you the Welcome Wagons, if you will," she said. Kitty got up from the sofa and flicked off the TV. "Pesky, pesky people interrupting me," she grumbled.
They got on pretty well, as you can see.
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