Ok gah sorries about the hair lighting, but it's not actually like that. Her name is Kitty. Each of the four have a different "theme". I themed her as anime. Wells, let's look at the CC used for the head (I never changed the hair, I'm lazy):
Hair and accessory by Anubis here! (I abused this hair soo many times. Srsly.)
Lipstick: by Club Crimsyn.. But I can't find it, it's part of the secret Santa thingy though!
Necklace and Earrings (you wouldn't see the earrings) by Anubis here!
Eyeshadow + Blusher: No idea. I haz a sad.
Eyes (contacts) over at MTS, link here. I use the defaults too!
Skin by.. IDK
Nows, for the everydae clothing.
Top over at MTS here
Bottom I don't know D:, I has more sadz.
Shoes, I don't know either.. but they are CC. -is lame-

Whee, sleepwaer!
Lingerie.. Liana.. free (one of the first I downloaded :P)
Slippers.. basegame!
I din't take pictures of the rest because they didn't look best on her =w= but if I upload her (IF) i will take pictures (ugh wear sunglasses)

Now for this Sim. I really love her, she is my best work so far. Her name is Sunshine.
Hair by Cazy here
Necklace by Newsea, Simscave it. I can't find it :P
Skin: By Subaxi (是很好的,加油~)
She isn't wearing any lipstick.
Eyes, as mentioned above, I use the MTS default eyes!

Kehem. -cue barbie girl song-
I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I GOT ANY OF HER CLOTHES! Please excuse my absent mindness -sad-
This was intended to be my selfsim, but it failed miserably. I sort of gave her own style. Yes the eyes were intended and it's not horrible, believe me, she looks WAY more beautiful in game than in CAS.
And finally I present you with a Sim that I like alot:
:o Her name is Moonlight!
If you like them, please comment! If you do, I'll feel really happy that you've given me your critique! ;)
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