Dragonball Online Chat Bubble

Ooh La La

I made my header/banner..

Welcome, Theme 1.000: Notepad Awesomeness and Crappy Headers..

Seriously, my Photoshop skills sucks. :/


Peggy Rantings Part 2

Oh my gosh, was all I could say.
You say for this you make us pay?
Well sure it gives a retro look
but it's weird in my book.
Would you look at the child version,
it nearly caused a chaos inversion (13 Lords of Chaos reference, right there).
Sometimes Peggy, you need to think,
that beauty does not come in zebra mink (lol?)
Instead, it comes in pretty hair,
or else the TS3 community will all despair.

Psst: It's donation, get it at Simscave.
(I will never hotlink in a bad way).


Peggy Rantings Part 1

There once was a child (an okay looking one at that)
She had to hide her hair with a hat.
The stylist had cut it till it grew claws,
and the hair broke quite a few laws!
The hat and the fringe,
was cute, I guess (no rhyming here),
but I looked at the back,
I got a heart attack!
So what did Peggy do?
Make it a donation hair (boo)!

psst: the hair is for donation at PeggyZone, if you want to get it you can Simscave it. (I do not have anything against people who like this hair, I just picked out a hair I didn't like).
(I will never hotlink in a wrong way)


A Clarification (Ooh, long word)

So, besides simming, I play this supercalifragilisticexpialidocious game, AQW.

But so far of late it's been super duper wooper (is that a word?) boring, soooooooooo I've resorted to Sims 3. But now my Sims 3 is not working, I cannot find a way to live my life awesomely, and since I'm Queen Awesome, that's a very big problem.

So now: In order to live my life awesomely again, I probably should take piccies of random Peggyzone hairs and state how cruel it is.

It's what's going to save me.



Hello. Firstly, my other "blog" is obsolete, I can't find it myself, so I might be permanently using this one.
BTW. Blogspot/Blogger/whatever is giving me a feeling of awesomeness..

Sigh, TS3 isn't working for me at ALL. I'm uninstalling some of my 50+ CC, because obviously I've installed too much.

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